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Friday, November 6, 2015

Quarter 1 is over already??

Happy November! This year is flying by! 

Important Dates:
Nov 11th- Report cards go home
Nov 12th- Picture retake day
Nov 16th- 20th- American Education Week
Nov 17th- Third Grade field trip
Nov 20th- 3rd grade American Education Week program, time to be announced. probably afternoon :)

Some Updates:

We are finishing up Earth, Moon, Sun on Tuesday and going into energy after that. We will then do maps and globes for social studies. 

Money has finished up and multiplication comes next! Your student will be learning various strategies to solve multiplication problems along with just memorizing the facts. Students will need to be able to show and explain how multiplication works along with recalling facts. If your student struggles with any facts, please use flash cards or more Reflex Math at home. If your student is not on multiplication on Reflex yet, their math teacher will switch them when they feel it is appropriate.

I enjoyed speaking with all of you during conferences and learning even more about your kiddos! Thank you for all your support at home to make this year a huge success! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Quick Updates

Word Study
New word study sorts were not given out Tuesday due to the teacher workdays next week. However, I have asked students to use their extra time to work on the stories they are writing, Raz Kids, or iReady. Also, I will be giving out a whole class sort involving contractions tomorrow. The quiz on these words will not be until Tuesday Nov 10th, so they will have plenty of time to work on these and not much time should be needed over their days off.

We started a new science unit today- Earth, Sun Moon. The test is Nov 10th for now. More social studies coming in the 2nd quarter!

Please continue to have your student reflect on their Dojo points. One thing to note is sometimes a lack of points can be a sign. The current behavior may not warrant a negative point, but it also does not earn a positive point either. I'm looking for those outstanding moments!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Classroom news!

*First quarter conferences are under way! You should have received a note reminding you of your date and time. Please let me know if you don't remember when your meeting is scheduled. 
*Reflex Math has a parent login option. (it may have been sent home with your student's login information) With this, you can monitor your student's progress. The program tracks their fact fluency. Our goal is to be close to 80-100% fluency of addition and subtraction before we start multiplication and division in a month. Please contact your student's math teacher if you need this information.
*If you have not sent in your students permission form and $11 fee for the field trip, please do so before the end of the week
*Raz Kids: Please monitor that your student is doing their best while working on Raz Kids. This includes working carefully on the comprehension questions and not just guessing. You can login to this program as well and monitor the skills they are struggling with. I believe the program should be moving them up as they complete all the books for a certain level, but please let me know if the program gets stuck on a level

Important dates:
Picture Day: Oct 15th
Fundraiser pickup: Oct 22nd
Matter test: Oct 23rd
Fall Bingo: Oct 23rd
Book Fair: Oct 26-30
End of Quarter 1: Oct 30th
Mismatch sock day: Oct 30th
Field trip to Shenandoah Discovery Museum: Nov 17th

Keep in touch! I've been so grateful for all of the support and positive comments coming from parents. Thanks so much! :)

Monday, September 28, 2015

One to the World!

Third grade will be completing their first One to the World project throughout our Water Cycle unit. The driving question is- How can NLE students conserve water at school? We will be meeting with an expert at Loudoun Water, collecting data around the school, researching, and creating informational videos. I will be sending home a study guide, and there will be a test. Other assessments will be collected from their work in class. So, there may not be as many notes in notebooks, or I may be just sending them home as study material. It's all about the experience and product during this unit! We're super excited to get started!

On that note, I'm looking for a few parents that could come in to help groups collect data around the school on Thursday Oct 1st from 9:00-9:30. Please e-mail me if you are available!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

School updates

The Ellie's Hats drive has started! 
From 9/18-9/30, you can bring in a new hat to donate to kids with cancer. 

Fundraiser packets went home in Thursday folders. 
Start selling to start earning prizes!
All proceeds go to our PTO to help make our school even better!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Sept. 18th Updates

Happy Friday! 

Important Updates:
- Mrs. Tea's math class' place value test has been moved to Wednesday. All classes will be testing by Friday.

- Third grade is scheduled to begin our first One to the World project on the 28th. We have one week until then, so we're going to study famous Americans this week. The study guide will go home Monday, but it is already on my Newton-Lee website. It may seem like a lot in a week, but the students have heard of some of these people before. We will try to test Friday, but we will push it to Monday if needed. 

- Tornado and lock down drill on Thursday the 24th.

- Almost all students have belted up to the yellow dojo belt! Please continue to discuss your student's daily behavior at home. We've been doing a great job, but in some areas we are still working on meeting third grade expectations. 

- We are still receiving new information about Phoenix, but I think we've gotten the information we need to begin entering grades. So my goal is to finally put some grades in this weekend, and I will send graded papers home in Thursday folders. 

Thanks for all your support at home!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Becoming experts on the 3 branches of government!

Please watch our blabbers showcasing our knowledge of the U.S. government! 

Class Updates Week of Sept. 8

Happy Friday!
It has been another great week in third grade! Dojo points are racking up- I believe a few people will belt up today! :) 

Important dates:
Government test: Thurs the 17th
Mrs. Tea's math class' place value test: Tues the 22nd 
Rubino's Spirit Night! Tues the 15th - Come see me there eatin' pizza!

- Information about access to the Parent VUE in Phoenix will be coming home in the next week or so. Grades are just now starting to be collected and recorded. Please be patient as we all get used to this new system! 

- In order to not overload students, I won't typically be assigning word study (spelling) activities for homework. However, they do need to study their words in order to be ready for the quiz the next Tuesday. If your student has a favorite activity they like to do, they can do it to help them study! They can study in any way that works for them. If you would like more structured tasks to do, I can certainly provide that! I will probably begin assigning one activity a week as homework after we get acclimated. :)

- Students have been given access to the math computer programs iReady and Reflex Math. (if not, reflex math is coming soon from their math teacher) Expectations are to do Reflex math 3 times in a 7 day week. This will be checked on Friday mornings before students are given their Fab Friday time. We will be incorporating iReady into the classroom, but it never hurts to do it 1-2 times a week as well :) I will also be sending home information about logging into Raz Kids for reading practice. Students will be receiving a little 'computer login cheat sheet' to keep in the front of their agendas, so they'll never be without their logins and passwords! Additionally, these programs are to be done on their own without any parent help. This will ensure I am receiving accurate data to inform my instruction. Thanks for your support on this!
*Reflex math and Raz Kids have an app!

- Don't forget to take a look at our class Twitter from time to time either on this blog page or through the twitter website/app. It showcases lots of the cool stuff we're doing and the students' work! NLE also has one that shows awesome stuff from all around the school! 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Off to a great start!

We have had an excellent first week in third grade! All students have done really well with learning rules and procedures. Some fun activities we've gotten to do include creating audio QR codes of our future plans, seeing soda and mentos explode, using plickers, reading tons of books, and of course making new friends! We are all excited to see what the year brings us!

Class announcements:
- The grace period for Class Dojo is over! Points are going to start being subtracted, making it even more difficult to meet the first milestone of 25 points!
- We will be starting our first tested unit next week, government! Math classes will be starting place value.
- I will be reaching out to those parents that want to volunteer as soon as I can! At first, I will only be contacting the room parents and Thursday folder volunteers. Others I will contact as needed.
- My Newton-Lee website is updated with some great resources
- Students will be starting a Friday letter journal tomorrow where they will write letters to you all telling all about their week

School announcements:
- If you would like to be a part of the PTO directory you need to act before Sept. 14
- The PTO fall fundraiser starts on Sept. 17th!
- Sign up for the PTO and to volunteer!
- New volunteer training is being held on Sept. 16 at 8AM (this is only if you have never volunteered at NLE before)

Keep on rockin'!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

I'm so excited to start a new year!!

It's almost the beginning of a new school year! I get to meet all my amazing parents and students this week! I can't wait! 

Teacher meme: Participate in ALL the discussions. {classroom poster}

Sunday, June 14, 2015

extra school supplies

On Tuesday we will do a final clean out of student desks! If there are any usable school supplies left over in student's pencil boxes, I would like to keep them to be reused next year. If there is anything in particular you would like your student to bring back home, please let them know or write them a note so they know what to bring home. Otherwise, they will be donated to a good cause :)


Friday, June 12, 2015

Thank you!

Thank you so much to all our amazing parents for your support this year! We wouldn't have been so successful without you!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Last Week and Field Day

Happy last full week of school! We have tons of events and projects scheduled! It is still important for all students to be present to complete graded assignments, receive important papers and graded work, and to take home all of their supplies. Besides sending a few things home, I will not start cleaning out supplies until next Monday.

- Economics Test Thursday Morning
- Field day Thursday starting at 11:00
- 3rd grade end of the year party is Friday starting after lunch time

Field Day
- Students need to bring a water bottle, towel, comfortable shoes, and a change of clothes. Sunscreen and bug spray must be put on at home before coming to school.

Please let me know if I am missing anything or if you have any questions or concerns! Thanks!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Book sale to earn money for the new playground

Dear Pinebrook Elementary Parents and Supporters,
We are pleased to announce our upcoming online book fair, June 1st to June 12th, 2015.  
This book fair will be completely online with Children's Bookstore.  It’s easy to participate. 

1.    Visit
2.    Shop for the books you can’t wait to read, every book on the website is eligible for our book fair.
3.    Books will be shipped directly to your home.

30% of every purchase goes toward paying for a new playground for our students.  

There are more than 200,000 books available from baby books to young adult books

Please forward this information along to friends and family anywhere in the U.S.  You can also post information about our book fair to your Facebook page or Twitter. 

We'll send reminder emails out when the book fair begins and as it progresses.

If you arrive at the website through a page other than our book fair page, please enter our unique code a checkout: 
Happy Reading!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

SOL practice folders

Happy weekend! Just a little note about the orange folders I have been sending home. I'm trying to keep this extra work to a minimum, but it is important that students are continuing to practice at home as the SOLs approach next week! Please check over your student's work to ensure it is correct before sending it back to school. If you are able to go over their mistakes with them, that is extremely helpful. Also, don't forget about the study island challenge. If your student is struggling to earn a blue ribbon in a topic, go over it with them to see if you can clear up any misconceptions. Your extra support is extremely valuable and appreciated!

I would also like to thank all of you for the love and appreciation I felt last week during Teacher Appreciation Week. Our community is awesome! :) Thanks again!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Important Dates: Including SOLs

Important Dates Coming Up

Relay for Life Movie Night: May 1st
Food Chains Test: May 6th
My class' time test: May 14th (will probably be pushed to 15th)
STEAM Expo: June 9th 10am to 2 pm

Reading SOL part 1: May 21st
Reading SOL part 2: May 22nd

Math SOL part 1: June 3rd
Math SOL part 2: June 4th

I will be sending home information about students having snacks before and during the tests. Our reading tests are at 10:15, so I would like the students to have something substantial to eat before then. 

Study Island Challenge!
Don't forget to be earning those blue ribbons!! We are partnered with Mrs. Manuel's class to earn that picnic with popsicles! 

** An important, secret note to parents will be coming home in Thursday folders- be on the look out!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Assignments and Tests:
- Critter Can due Wednesday!
- Animal adaptations quiz on Friday
- My math class' measurement test is Friday
- Field trip next Monday! Bring a bagged lunch.

Study Island Challenge
We have started the study island challenge! Our class is partnering with another third grade class to earn a picnic with popsicles! The goal is 1,000 blue ribbons. Each student will need to earn at least 20 ribbons to participate in the picnic. Students have been shown how to earn blue ribbons and where to go if they run out of topics. Only ribbons in math and reading will count for the challenge. If you have any questions or problems navigating study island, please just let me know!

We are still in need of some items from the third grade donation list.
  - card stock
  - sequins
  - small sparkly beads
  - elmer's glue

Thanks!!! :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The home stretch!

4th Quarter Info!

Rome Test: April 15th
My class' measurement test: April 23rd

Vocab instead of Word Study!
- this will still be on the Tuesday- Tuesday schedule
- students will be given 10 math or reading vocabulary words to review for the SOL. 
- they are to complete the homework activities that are described in the packet
- the next Tuesday they will be given a quiz on the definitions as well as the spelling. 

Critter Can Project
- Students are to use a household can (oatmeal, coffee, pringles) to create an animal of their choice
- no pets or farm animals please!
- the animal needs to have a platform that shows its habitat
- students are do some minimal research and complete the info card
- all information is also on the 3rd grade website if you lose any papers
- students will be presenting their project
- Due April 22nd

Please e-mail me with any questions!

Last plea for glue sticks!
If you have any extras to donate, we just need a few more to get us through the end of the year! thanks for all your help remediating a supply list error! I'm also open to tape, liquid glue.. anything!! :)
Sign up for Camp STEAM-Mates!

Friday, March 27, 2015

STEAM Expo 2015!

STEAM Expo 2015 is fast approaching! On this day the school is overrun with activities and demonstrations of various STEAM related fields. It's such a blast and the students learn a lot! However, to make this day happen, we need YOU! It's super easy to monitor one of the activity rooms. All of the materials and instructions will be there. The activities are meant to be student centered, so all you'll need to do is provide a little guidance if anyone is really stuck. It's an easy and fun way to show your love for Pinebrook! Please sign up using the sign-up genius link below. Hope to see you there!

Pinebrook Elementary’s Second Annual  
Volunteer Opportunities
A Saturday filled with 
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math!
Saturday, May 9th from 9:30am-2:00pm
We need your help!
There is a wide range of volunteer needs to make STEAM Expo 2015 a success.  Please consider being a part of this amazing day!
Here are some of the activities you can help with:
Dome Theater             Egg Drop    Angry Peeps
Roller Coaster Mania   Bee Bots    Magnetic Slime
Scratch Programming                    Geo-Towers 

To volunteer please click: STEAM Expo Volunteers​

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

End of the Quarter!

The third quarter is wrapping up already! 

Habitats test: Friday
My class' graphing test: Friday

If your student will be out any days this week (particularly Thursday and Friday), please let me and their math teacher know ASAP so we can make arrangements for assignments to be finished for report cards.

An optional work packet will be sent home over spring break. With SOLs fast approaching, this practice is crucial to maintaining skills over a long break. Also, don't forget about websites that are also helpful and a little more fun! Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Important Dates

Relay for Life Movie Night: Friday, March 13th
Greece Test: Wednesday, March 18th
My Class' Probability Test: Tuesday, March 17th
Book Fair: March 16th-20th
Triple Play: Thursday, March 19th
End of the Quarter: March 27th

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mali Test Change: IMPORTANT

Good morning parents!
    Driving to school this morning I had the startling realization that we could be out the rest of the week for snow! The poor kids have been working on Mali on and off for a while now. So, instead of having the test potentially moved to next Monday or Tuesday, I decided to have a good review this morning and take the test today. Because of the late notice, any student that doesn't get a satisfactory grade will have the chance to retake it. I will be letting you know as soon as I have your student's score, and I will be asking parents to let me know if they want a retake. I will be sending this information home with the score as well. I hope this relieves stress rather than creates it. Please let me know if you have any questions!

   Additionally, I am sending some extra math and reading work home with your student. This is to be done by Monday if there is no school Thursday and Friday. If there is only no school on Thursday, they should complete about half of the work and bring it back to school on Friday. This is meant as snow day work, not weekend work.

Thanks so much for your support with these crazy days! 

Friday, February 27, 2015

test dates and catching up!

As of now, the Mali test is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4th. We have had to finish up this unit pretty quickly, so please spend some time this weekend studying. There have been quite a few breaks in between lessons. 

My math class' fractions test is scheduled for Thursday, March 5th. I have sent home bonus homework over the weekend. It is the student's choice to do this, but I highly recommend it because it because it will help make up for lost time. 
   **Students not in my class, be on the lookout for your test dates!!

New word study words are being given out Tuesday. Please make sure homework activities are being completed. 

Please continue to monitor that your student is completing their online homework. Signed forms need to be turned in on Fridays. I will be monitoring online that students are completing activities. If they miss many activities they may be asked to make them up during recess. 

Students may be asked to do more at home over the next few weeks as we catch up from time lost. Thank you for your understanding and support!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

SOL Night

Thank you so much to the few parents that represented our class at SOL information night last night! It was a great turnout overall, and we love seeing so much parent support! If you were not able to make it, all of the information will be sent home with your student. So please be on the lookout for those papers and review them carefully. As always, please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any questions!

One link to review resources: 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Yearbook flyers will be coming home in Thursday folders. Important things to note:

1.       All yearbooks have to pre-ordered directly through Lifetouch!  The Yearbook ID code is on the flyer. (7561115) Please do not sent money through Pinebrook.
2.       Yearbooks can be pre-ordered directly online.
3.       Only a few extra yearbooks will be ordered, so please order Now!
4.       Order Deadline is March 27th.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fraction Website

A new website with fractions games as been added to my helpful links page!

Don't forget to check out my helpful links page on my Pinebrook website here:

Online homework

Good afternoon!
   Hopefully you saw the online homework sheet in your student's agenda yesterday. This schedule is meant to guide students through a little bit of practice on each program every week. They do not HAVE to do the assignment on the assigned day, but they do need to do the assignment by Friday. I understand that students also have Reflex math for math class on Thursdays, but we are going to start moving more towards Dreambox. Students are welcome to do Reflex and/or Dreambox whenever they want, but do not stress about doing both in one night. Reflex and Dreambox need to be done for 15-20 minutes to achieve their full potential. 
   Please sign the schedule confirming that your student practiced this week and send it back to school on Friday. If you need to do some practice over the weekend, send in the signed sheet on Monday.

Thanks for all your support at home! These programs are extremely important for reviewing content and preparing for the SOLs! Please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any questions!

P.S. Don't forget about the Black History Month profile! :) Have fun with it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

fun stuff coming up!

Hello families! There are some exciting things happening in third grade!

Valentine's Party
- scheduled for February 13th, 12:15-1:20
- students need to bring in a decorated box or bag to collect their valentines and goodies
- if students would like to give out valentines or other goodies, there needs to be one for everyone. (a list of students in the class will be coming home) no food please!
**Below is the food menu for the party. The funds collected by the room parent will cover the food, you do not need to send in anything unless otherwise directed. 
Food Menu
chocolate-Hershey brand (for a chocolate fountain!)
water bottles

Field Trips
- Udvar Hazy Air and Space Museum- Feb 24th
- George Mason Center for the Arts- April 27th
- cost is $16 per student
- information about chaperoning is coming home with the letter in Thursday folders

SOL information night
- since third grade is the first grade with SOLs, parents are invited to come in and learn a little about how they work and how to prepare your student for them.
- Feb 25th at 6:30 pm. 

Class Dojo
- Class dojo recently re-did their app. There are still some kinks that need to be worked out, so sorry if any of the data or features have been acting weird!
- please continue to check Dojo regularly and talk with your student about all the positive (and possibly negative) points they are receiving.
- you can also message me through Dojo for quick feedback!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Book parade

Just a reminder that student's book parade costumes need to include a sign that lists the book title, author, illustrator, and at least one thing they liked about the book. Students should also have a copy of the book with them if possible!

Thanks! Looking forward to seeing these costumes Thursday!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hello fabulous Pinebrook families!

Here are some updates!


The simple machines unit has started and the test is scheduled for Feb 3rd. That grade will be a part of 3rd quarter.

Patterns is a small unit in math. My class' quiz is scheduled for Wednesday the 28th unless circumstances change! This grade will be a part of 2nd quarter.

Because we have lost quite a bit of writing time due to delays and snow days, the fractured fairy tales that students have been working on will be graded loosely. The focus will be on student's ideas and story telling. I will also be asking students to work on their final drafts at home to save time in class and so they are finished by next Friday.

Please continue to monitor your child's reading at home to ensure they are reading 20 minutes a night and finishing library books before returning them.


I will be sending home a slip today informing you of what you wrote on the emergency early dismissal form from the beginning of the year. Because of all the snow lately, I want to be sure we are all clear of where students are to go if there is an early dismissal. If you would like to make a change, just let me know!

Don't forget about the book parade next Thursday!

Please take a look at Clarity over the next week or two in case you have any questions before report cards go home!

Keep being awesome!! Thanks for all you do!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Book Parade!

Pinebrook is holding its very first book parade this year! Flyers went home in gold folders last Friday since Thursday folders did not go home. The book parade is scheduled for January 29th, even though the 3rd grade newsletter said a different date! Sorry about that! The 3rd grade walk will be from 1:30-2:00. Parents are invited! Please send the bottom of the flyer back in to me so I know what character your child is doing!

All students are expected to participate.  Students are encouraged to be as creative as they can be.  If they would like to bring in props that is fine with the exception of weapons (no plastic swords, guns …).  For example: a student has chosen an American Girl fiction book and would like to bring in the American Girl doll which is fine.  Just remind students that they are responsible for the items they bring in.  They take full responsibility if they bring in something valuable, sentimental. 

Can't wait to see all of the awesome costumes!! :)