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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Off to a great start!

We have had an excellent first week in third grade! All students have done really well with learning rules and procedures. Some fun activities we've gotten to do include creating audio QR codes of our future plans, seeing soda and mentos explode, using plickers, reading tons of books, and of course making new friends! We are all excited to see what the year brings us!

Class announcements:
- The grace period for Class Dojo is over! Points are going to start being subtracted, making it even more difficult to meet the first milestone of 25 points!
- We will be starting our first tested unit next week, government! Math classes will be starting place value.
- I will be reaching out to those parents that want to volunteer as soon as I can! At first, I will only be contacting the room parents and Thursday folder volunteers. Others I will contact as needed.
- My Newton-Lee website is updated with some great resources
- Students will be starting a Friday letter journal tomorrow where they will write letters to you all telling all about their week

School announcements:
- If you would like to be a part of the PTO directory you need to act before Sept. 14
- The PTO fall fundraiser starts on Sept. 17th!
- Sign up for the PTO and to volunteer!
- New volunteer training is being held on Sept. 16 at 8AM (this is only if you have never volunteered at NLE before)

Keep on rockin'!

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