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Friday, September 11, 2015

Class Updates Week of Sept. 8

Happy Friday!
It has been another great week in third grade! Dojo points are racking up- I believe a few people will belt up today! :) 

Important dates:
Government test: Thurs the 17th
Mrs. Tea's math class' place value test: Tues the 22nd 
Rubino's Spirit Night! Tues the 15th - Come see me there eatin' pizza!

- Information about access to the Parent VUE in Phoenix will be coming home in the next week or so. Grades are just now starting to be collected and recorded. Please be patient as we all get used to this new system! 

- In order to not overload students, I won't typically be assigning word study (spelling) activities for homework. However, they do need to study their words in order to be ready for the quiz the next Tuesday. If your student has a favorite activity they like to do, they can do it to help them study! They can study in any way that works for them. If you would like more structured tasks to do, I can certainly provide that! I will probably begin assigning one activity a week as homework after we get acclimated. :)

- Students have been given access to the math computer programs iReady and Reflex Math. (if not, reflex math is coming soon from their math teacher) Expectations are to do Reflex math 3 times in a 7 day week. This will be checked on Friday mornings before students are given their Fab Friday time. We will be incorporating iReady into the classroom, but it never hurts to do it 1-2 times a week as well :) I will also be sending home information about logging into Raz Kids for reading practice. Students will be receiving a little 'computer login cheat sheet' to keep in the front of their agendas, so they'll never be without their logins and passwords! Additionally, these programs are to be done on their own without any parent help. This will ensure I am receiving accurate data to inform my instruction. Thanks for your support on this!
*Reflex math and Raz Kids have an app!

- Don't forget to take a look at our class Twitter from time to time either on this blog page or through the twitter website/app. It showcases lots of the cool stuff we're doing and the students' work! NLE also has one that shows awesome stuff from all around the school! 

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