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Monday, September 28, 2015

One to the World!

Third grade will be completing their first One to the World project throughout our Water Cycle unit. The driving question is- How can NLE students conserve water at school? We will be meeting with an expert at Loudoun Water, collecting data around the school, researching, and creating informational videos. I will be sending home a study guide, and there will be a test. Other assessments will be collected from their work in class. So, there may not be as many notes in notebooks, or I may be just sending them home as study material. It's all about the experience and product during this unit! We're super excited to get started!

On that note, I'm looking for a few parents that could come in to help groups collect data around the school on Thursday Oct 1st from 9:00-9:30. Please e-mail me if you are available!

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