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Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Classroom news!

*First quarter conferences are under way! You should have received a note reminding you of your date and time. Please let me know if you don't remember when your meeting is scheduled. 
*Reflex Math has a parent login option. (it may have been sent home with your student's login information) With this, you can monitor your student's progress. The program tracks their fact fluency. Our goal is to be close to 80-100% fluency of addition and subtraction before we start multiplication and division in a month. Please contact your student's math teacher if you need this information.
*If you have not sent in your students permission form and $11 fee for the field trip, please do so before the end of the week
*Raz Kids: Please monitor that your student is doing their best while working on Raz Kids. This includes working carefully on the comprehension questions and not just guessing. You can login to this program as well and monitor the skills they are struggling with. I believe the program should be moving them up as they complete all the books for a certain level, but please let me know if the program gets stuck on a level

Important dates:
Picture Day: Oct 15th
Fundraiser pickup: Oct 22nd
Matter test: Oct 23rd
Fall Bingo: Oct 23rd
Book Fair: Oct 26-30
End of Quarter 1: Oct 30th
Mismatch sock day: Oct 30th
Field trip to Shenandoah Discovery Museum: Nov 17th

Keep in touch! I've been so grateful for all of the support and positive comments coming from parents. Thanks so much! :)

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