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Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Assignments and Tests:
- Critter Can due Wednesday!
- Animal adaptations quiz on Friday
- My math class' measurement test is Friday
- Field trip next Monday! Bring a bagged lunch.

Study Island Challenge
We have started the study island challenge! Our class is partnering with another third grade class to earn a picnic with popsicles! The goal is 1,000 blue ribbons. Each student will need to earn at least 20 ribbons to participate in the picnic. Students have been shown how to earn blue ribbons and where to go if they run out of topics. Only ribbons in math and reading will count for the challenge. If you have any questions or problems navigating study island, please just let me know!

We are still in need of some items from the third grade donation list.
  - card stock
  - sequins
  - small sparkly beads
  - elmer's glue

Thanks!!! :)

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