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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

fun stuff coming up!

Hello families! There are some exciting things happening in third grade!

Valentine's Party
- scheduled for February 13th, 12:15-1:20
- students need to bring in a decorated box or bag to collect their valentines and goodies
- if students would like to give out valentines or other goodies, there needs to be one for everyone. (a list of students in the class will be coming home) no food please!
**Below is the food menu for the party. The funds collected by the room parent will cover the food, you do not need to send in anything unless otherwise directed. 
Food Menu
chocolate-Hershey brand (for a chocolate fountain!)
water bottles

Field Trips
- Udvar Hazy Air and Space Museum- Feb 24th
- George Mason Center for the Arts- April 27th
- cost is $16 per student
- information about chaperoning is coming home with the letter in Thursday folders

SOL information night
- since third grade is the first grade with SOLs, parents are invited to come in and learn a little about how they work and how to prepare your student for them.
- Feb 25th at 6:30 pm. 

Class Dojo
- Class dojo recently re-did their app. There are still some kinks that need to be worked out, so sorry if any of the data or features have been acting weird!
- please continue to check Dojo regularly and talk with your student about all the positive (and possibly negative) points they are receiving.
- you can also message me through Dojo for quick feedback!

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