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Friday, February 27, 2015

test dates and catching up!

As of now, the Mali test is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4th. We have had to finish up this unit pretty quickly, so please spend some time this weekend studying. There have been quite a few breaks in between lessons. 

My math class' fractions test is scheduled for Thursday, March 5th. I have sent home bonus homework over the weekend. It is the student's choice to do this, but I highly recommend it because it because it will help make up for lost time. 
   **Students not in my class, be on the lookout for your test dates!!

New word study words are being given out Tuesday. Please make sure homework activities are being completed. 

Please continue to monitor that your student is completing their online homework. Signed forms need to be turned in on Fridays. I will be monitoring online that students are completing activities. If they miss many activities they may be asked to make them up during recess. 

Students may be asked to do more at home over the next few weeks as we catch up from time lost. Thank you for your understanding and support!

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