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Friday, December 19, 2014

Test Dates

Energy test in science is scheduled for Jan 8th.
My class' division test is scheduled for Jan 16th.

Have a great break! Don't forget to practice your multiplication facts! :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Winter Break Practice

Winter break is almost here!

Your student will be receiving a little bit of optional reading and math practice to complete over the break. Both subjects include a challenge that will hopefully be fun for your student! I highly encourage students to complete both challenges to maintain reading and multiplication/division skills over the 2 week break. Hope you have an amazing, relaxing break full of cookies and family! much love <3

Monday, December 15, 2014

Hour of Code!

Students participated in The Hour of Code today! This initiative gives students a chance to try computer programming, which is also called coding. Students completed a series of challenges using blocks of code to tell the computer what to do. If they are interested in continuing the challenges at home visit They can play with Elsa or the Angry Birds! This is also similar to what students will be doing in the Scratch after school club I am hosting with Mrs. Martinson. I encourage you to sign up! :)

Side note: Follow me on Twitter @educatortea

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Second Quarter Project

Last Friday, your student received the letter describing the second quarter country project. Your student also chose a country. If you did not receive this letter, please check your student's folder asap! If you would like your student's country changed, just let me know what your second and third choices are.

If you misplace the letter or the rubric at any time, you can find it on the 3rd grade website here: 

For the main portion of the project, your student will need to decide if they want to do a power point, poster, or decorate a cereal box. All students must do a brochure and all students must present what they learned. So, this project has 3 parts total.

This project isn't due until January 7th, but you are welcome to complete it any time before winter break and turn it in.

Please e-mail me with any questions!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Hope your staying warm and dry this weekend!

Just a little information about interims. Interims will be sent home Wednesday for students with a C or below in a subject area, drops in grades that are a concern, or for personal work habits that need to be addressed. If you do not receive an interim but are curious about your student's grades, please check the Clarity grade book. We're half way through the quarter and grades are subject to change, but its good to address any questions or concerns as early as possible. Please let me know if you need any additional information!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Few Things

Happy Friday!

Just a few things.

--I am in need of another volunteer to come in on Wednesdays from 10-11 to work on fluency with students. If you are interested, please e-mail me! 8-8:30 could also work on all days except for Wednesday.

--In lieu of the approaching holidays, I am not able to eat chocolate or have caffeine (I know, what else do teachers need?? haha) due to acid reflux. So, I just ask you to please not send those things in because I will have to give them away! I don't need any treats anyways, but just in case you were planning on picking something up. You are all too generous. :) I appreciate it!

--Hope to see you at the pancake breakfast and holiday show Saturday from 8-11!

--The class performance of Dig It is Wednesday the 10th at 1:00pm.

Have a wonderful wet weekend!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Holiday Events at Pinebrook

Contribute to the Tradition Tree!

Give back through operation PAWS!
Beginning today, Pinebrook will be taking donations of new toys, games, books and more to donate to a local children's hospital. This fundraiser started today and will run though December 12th. 

Thanks for all you do! <3

Friday, November 21, 2014

Book Orders

If you would like to make a book order before the holidays, please put in the order before next weekend (the 29th). I want to make sure they get here on time! If you need me to keep the order secret when sending it home, just let me know!


Hello families!

A new social studies unit it starting. All of geography and maps will be tested on Dec 11th. A small continents and hemispheres quiz will be given on Nov 25th and other quizzes will be given before the test.

Multiplication has started in math! My math class' test is scheduled for Dec 12th. Please work with your student when they are completing math homework as much as possible. Please also make sure Reflex Math is being completed twice a week. Optional homework will be sent home over Thanksgiving and Winter Break. I highly encourage your student to complete it to keep their skills strong over the breaks. 

- study guides are posted on my Pinebrook website in case paper copies get lost!
- pajama day has been moved to Monday because of other school events happening Tuesday. Donations to a local family affected by childhood cancer will be accepted Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure your student knows that the money is to go straight to me, and label it just in case it gets misplaced! 
- if your student has any big sports games or other performances, please let me know when they are! I will attend the ones that I can!
- don't forget to READ READ READ! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Washers for American Education Week

If you have signed up to donate washers, please send them in by Friday if possible. We need to see if we need to purchase any extra. If you have not signed up yet, please donate if you can!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Materials needed for American Education Week!

On November 18th from 9:30-11:00, students will be completing a very fun challenge of designing a foil boat that can hold as much "silver" as possible! But, we need the silver! It's actually just metal washers... but we can dream! If you are able to donate, please go to the sign-up genius and list your name. You are invited to our activity! :) P.S. This sign up is for the whole 3rd grade, not just our class. That's why there are so many slots. Thanks!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Second Quarter!

The Second Quarter Begins!!

Most of you will be receiving this in an e-mail this time :)

Some updates:

- There will be a lockdown drill this Thursday morning. Please speak with your child if this has been a cause of anxiety in the past.
- In science we will be starting the Earth, Moon and Sun Cycles unit. The test is scheduled for Nov 19th.
- In math we will be starting the money unit. My math class' test is scheduled for Nov 20th.
- Third grade is hosting a STEAM activity for American Education Week. Please join us on Nov 18th from 9:30-11:00.
- The third grade performance of "Dig-It" is scheduled for December 10th at 1:00 PM. Hope to see you there!
- Please review your child's report card with them and discuss successes and areas of improvement.
- Students will be taking 1st quarter benchmarks over the next 4 days. The fact that these tests will be given on the computer may affect scores, but it is a good assessment of your child's ability to take a test on a computer and good preparation for the SOLs. 

E-mail me any time with any questions or concerns!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Upcoming events and dates!

Social Studies: The famous Americans unit has started. The test is scheduled for Oct 29th

Math: Most classes are testing addition and subtraction on Oct 30th and 31st.

Word Study: The schedule is Tuesday to Tuesday. Students have one week to complete homework activity and prepare for the quiz. 

Conferences: Conferences are being held next week as well as Monday Nov 3rd. You should have received a conference reminder with your date and time. If you are not sure of your conference time, please e-mail me!

Book Orders: Some have already been put in. I'm going to wait another week or so before putting in the next order. So, if you are wanting to order, please do it this week!

Fall Parties: Third grade parties are on the 31st from around 12:20-1:20.

American Education Week: Third grade's AEW STEAM activity is schedule for November 18th from 9:30-11:00. All are invited! This shouldn't change, but be on the lookout for updates. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Volunteers needed!

Hello Parents!
        In the near future, I will be needing a few volunteers to come in to help with reading fluency checks. This would be more than a one time thing because I will be doing fluency checks all year. I will be needing help on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from approximately 10:00-11:00 AM. If you can come in any of these days, please e-mail me directly at
       I know schedules are tight, so thanks so much for your help! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


If you couldn't make it to Technology Night last night, 
here's what you missed!

*The powerpoint with all the information from last night  is posted on our Third Grade website:                                         

*To access the parent part of Dream Box, the directions are listed here:

*My Reflex Math login is mstea   Students then use their lunch number for their password.

*You can now subscribe to my blog with your e-mail so that all my posts are e-mailed right to you! The box is over on the right.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hello families! Some important dates listed below.

Tomorrow we will be starting our water cycle unit. The quiz is scheduled for October 16th.

In math, classes are starting the addition and subtraction units. My math class' test is scheduled for October 30th.

Third grade fall parties are scheduled for October 31st. Ours is scheduled approximately from 12:20-1:30.

                                Next Tuesday, October 14th is 
                              Third Grade Technology Night!
                                                      6 pm
***Bring a laptop or a tablet and learn all about the computer programs your student will be expected to use at home to supplement curriculum in the classroom.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Word Study Changes

Today students were given word sorts that are a little different from what we've done the past couple of weeks. Word study homework will also be set up differently. Because of these changes, students are being given TWO WEEKS to complete the homework activities and prepare for the quiz. Please look over these new materials with your students and let me know if you have any questions!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Upcoming tests

The place value unit has started in math! My math class' test is scheduled for October 9th. This is one of the most challenging units in 3rd grade, so please be checking in with your student nightly to ensure they are understanding concepts taught in class!

The government unit is starting in Social Studies. The test is scheduled for October 7th.

Fall Fundraiser

You can also participate in the fundraiser online! This is great for friends and family that are out of town. Money raised from the fundraiser goes towards things such as a new playground, iPads and Chrome books!

Remember that after your student sells 5 things, they can turn in the slip to get a necklace!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Math internet programs

Pinebrook has access to two very important math programs that can also be used at home. These programs will sometimes be assigned as homework, but your student can use them any time they want! It is important that your student gets on these at least a couple times a week so that they can really have an impact.
This program focuses on math facts. Username: mstea   password: Your student's lunch number
*This can also be used on an iPad!

This program goes over all math concepts and adapts to your student specifically.
Our Pinebrook link: 
Username: Your student's lunch number          Password: Your student's birthday in number form. they use this to log onto computers at school and should know how this works.
Our school's iPad code: kwah/pinebrooke 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Units ending

As math and science units come to an end, here are a few reminders.

- The matter test is Wednesday the 24th. Students will be turning in their science notebooks for a grade. While you are studying notes with your student, please make sure their notebook looks complete and neat. There is a rubric inside the front cover for your reference.
- Be sure your student is taking home study guides every night to study!
- We will be starting word study groups next week. This week there will be a nouns and verbs sort.

I have sent many of you an e-mail about signing up for a conference through sign-up genius. Please don't miss it!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Back to School Night!

I hope to see all parents at Back to School Night this Thursday! It is very important that you come and get information about how our class will work this year and about third grade in general. If you have any questions about any of the computer programs we're using, bring your laptop or tablet so I can help! The schedule is posted below, see you there!

5:45-6:00 Meet in the gym
6:00-6:30 Session 1
6:45-7:15 Session 2
7:15-7:30 Meet in the gym

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Jumping right in!

This week we start getting into some content!

Science: Students will receive a matter study guide. Keep this in their science folder which they will bring home each night to study. Study guides are also posted on my Pinebrook website. The test is scheduled for September 24th.

Math: We will start switching for math on Monday. Your student will bring home a note that night informing you of their math teacher. When you have a question about math assignments, please contact your student's math teacher.
Students in my math class will be receiving a geometry study guide which they will need to study each night. The test is scheduled for September 23rd. 

Reading: Your student will begin checking out books soon. Please encourage your student to stay focused on one book at a time and to always read their books all the way through. This is how they will get credit for the 40 book challenge. Students also need to be reading 20 minutes each night. Students will be learning more about the 40 book challenge this week, but if you have any questions, please e-mail me.

Word Study: For the first couple of weeks, all students will be working with the same words and doing the same homework assignments. Please read over any instructions carefully to ensure your student is completing the work correctly. I do word study from Tuesday to Tuesday. This means your student will get new words on Tuesday, then next Tuesday they will be quizzed on those words and they will also get their next set of words that same day. This way, students have time over the weekend to get caught up on homework activities. I do take a grade on word study homework, so if your student does not complete it, it could greatly hurt their language arts grade.

Please check your student's agenda each night to keep up with assignments and test dates!

Thanks for all your support!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Awesome first day!!

We had an amazing first day in third grade! It was so much fun getting to know everyone!

Dismissal went smoothly- thanks for getting me the necessary information on time! If there are ever any changes to the way your child is getting home, please send a note or e-mail me.

A few announcements:
- Your student is bringing home a big envelope with lots of papers in it. All of these papers need to be filled out and returned to me this week. Please look out for the Clarity sheet, this is how you get access to your students's grades online.
- Please remind your student that it is their responsibility to check their agenda and gold folder every afternoon and give any important information to their parents.
- There was a small error on the supply list, we need more glue sticks than what was listed. If you are able to donate any extra glue sticks at any time, we will take them! Hopefully they will be on sale right now.
- There will be no early dismissals after 2:15 PM. This means you cannot come pick up your child after 2:15.
- If you have any last minute dismissal changes, please notify the office before 2:00 PM.
- If you have not linked your cell phone to Remind yet, please text this number- (571) 748-5355 and write @9d328 in the message. I'll be doing a test tonight!


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Open House

Hi Pumas!
   It was so refreshing to meet you all today! Please be sure to look over the orange flyer I sent home with information about how you can best get information about what's going on in the classroom.

   I am still in need of a Thursday folder volunteer. If you are able to come in at any time on Thursday to help stuff the folders and get them ready to go home, I would greatly appreciate it. Please let me know ASAP!

   If there are any changes or questions about how your student is getting home, please let me know via e-mail.

Thanks for all your support!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New Beginnings!

Hi families!
    I'm so excited that a new year is beginning! I'm also glad that you are checking out my blog :) Lots of great and valuable information will be posted here. I want to point out one thing- at the top where it says select language, you can actually translate my blog into another language! Please use this if needed, and I hope it helps!

   You will be getting lots of information in the coming weeks, and I know it can be overwhelming! I will try to make it as easy as possible for you! This is a great place to start. Below are some websites that will be used throughout the year. Please take a look at them and familiarize yourself with all of the great resources you and your student will be provided with this year!

Bookmark these pages and check them every couple of days:
My class blog where important information and updates will be posted:
The third grade Pinebrook website:

Websites your student will be using
A math website your student will be using a lot:
A review website that your student will be using a lot:

Join Remind!
Remind is a program I use to send reminders and important information straight to your cell phone! Please sign up with your cell phone and not your e-mail if you can.
Go to to sign up.

See you soon!!