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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Awesome first day!!

We had an amazing first day in third grade! It was so much fun getting to know everyone!

Dismissal went smoothly- thanks for getting me the necessary information on time! If there are ever any changes to the way your child is getting home, please send a note or e-mail me.

A few announcements:
- Your student is bringing home a big envelope with lots of papers in it. All of these papers need to be filled out and returned to me this week. Please look out for the Clarity sheet, this is how you get access to your students's grades online.
- Please remind your student that it is their responsibility to check their agenda and gold folder every afternoon and give any important information to their parents.
- There was a small error on the supply list, we need more glue sticks than what was listed. If you are able to donate any extra glue sticks at any time, we will take them! Hopefully they will be on sale right now.
- There will be no early dismissals after 2:15 PM. This means you cannot come pick up your child after 2:15.
- If you have any last minute dismissal changes, please notify the office before 2:00 PM.
- If you have not linked your cell phone to Remind yet, please text this number- (571) 748-5355 and write @9d328 in the message. I'll be doing a test tonight!


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