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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Jumping right in!

This week we start getting into some content!

Science: Students will receive a matter study guide. Keep this in their science folder which they will bring home each night to study. Study guides are also posted on my Pinebrook website. The test is scheduled for September 24th.

Math: We will start switching for math on Monday. Your student will bring home a note that night informing you of their math teacher. When you have a question about math assignments, please contact your student's math teacher.
Students in my math class will be receiving a geometry study guide which they will need to study each night. The test is scheduled for September 23rd. 

Reading: Your student will begin checking out books soon. Please encourage your student to stay focused on one book at a time and to always read their books all the way through. This is how they will get credit for the 40 book challenge. Students also need to be reading 20 minutes each night. Students will be learning more about the 40 book challenge this week, but if you have any questions, please e-mail me.

Word Study: For the first couple of weeks, all students will be working with the same words and doing the same homework assignments. Please read over any instructions carefully to ensure your student is completing the work correctly. I do word study from Tuesday to Tuesday. This means your student will get new words on Tuesday, then next Tuesday they will be quizzed on those words and they will also get their next set of words that same day. This way, students have time over the weekend to get caught up on homework activities. I do take a grade on word study homework, so if your student does not complete it, it could greatly hurt their language arts grade.

Please check your student's agenda each night to keep up with assignments and test dates!

Thanks for all your support!

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