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Friday, February 27, 2015

test dates and catching up!

As of now, the Mali test is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4th. We have had to finish up this unit pretty quickly, so please spend some time this weekend studying. There have been quite a few breaks in between lessons. 

My math class' fractions test is scheduled for Thursday, March 5th. I have sent home bonus homework over the weekend. It is the student's choice to do this, but I highly recommend it because it because it will help make up for lost time. 
   **Students not in my class, be on the lookout for your test dates!!

New word study words are being given out Tuesday. Please make sure homework activities are being completed. 

Please continue to monitor that your student is completing their online homework. Signed forms need to be turned in on Fridays. I will be monitoring online that students are completing activities. If they miss many activities they may be asked to make them up during recess. 

Students may be asked to do more at home over the next few weeks as we catch up from time lost. Thank you for your understanding and support!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

SOL Night

Thank you so much to the few parents that represented our class at SOL information night last night! It was a great turnout overall, and we love seeing so much parent support! If you were not able to make it, all of the information will be sent home with your student. So please be on the lookout for those papers and review them carefully. As always, please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any questions!

One link to review resources: 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Yearbook flyers will be coming home in Thursday folders. Important things to note:

1.       All yearbooks have to pre-ordered directly through Lifetouch!  The Yearbook ID code is on the flyer. (7561115) Please do not sent money through Pinebrook.
2.       Yearbooks can be pre-ordered directly online.
3.       Only a few extra yearbooks will be ordered, so please order Now!
4.       Order Deadline is March 27th.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fraction Website

A new website with fractions games as been added to my helpful links page!

Don't forget to check out my helpful links page on my Pinebrook website here:

Online homework

Good afternoon!
   Hopefully you saw the online homework sheet in your student's agenda yesterday. This schedule is meant to guide students through a little bit of practice on each program every week. They do not HAVE to do the assignment on the assigned day, but they do need to do the assignment by Friday. I understand that students also have Reflex math for math class on Thursdays, but we are going to start moving more towards Dreambox. Students are welcome to do Reflex and/or Dreambox whenever they want, but do not stress about doing both in one night. Reflex and Dreambox need to be done for 15-20 minutes to achieve their full potential. 
   Please sign the schedule confirming that your student practiced this week and send it back to school on Friday. If you need to do some practice over the weekend, send in the signed sheet on Monday.

Thanks for all your support at home! These programs are extremely important for reviewing content and preparing for the SOLs! Please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any questions!

P.S. Don't forget about the Black History Month profile! :) Have fun with it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

fun stuff coming up!

Hello families! There are some exciting things happening in third grade!

Valentine's Party
- scheduled for February 13th, 12:15-1:20
- students need to bring in a decorated box or bag to collect their valentines and goodies
- if students would like to give out valentines or other goodies, there needs to be one for everyone. (a list of students in the class will be coming home) no food please!
**Below is the food menu for the party. The funds collected by the room parent will cover the food, you do not need to send in anything unless otherwise directed. 
Food Menu
chocolate-Hershey brand (for a chocolate fountain!)
water bottles

Field Trips
- Udvar Hazy Air and Space Museum- Feb 24th
- George Mason Center for the Arts- April 27th
- cost is $16 per student
- information about chaperoning is coming home with the letter in Thursday folders

SOL information night
- since third grade is the first grade with SOLs, parents are invited to come in and learn a little about how they work and how to prepare your student for them.
- Feb 25th at 6:30 pm. 

Class Dojo
- Class dojo recently re-did their app. There are still some kinks that need to be worked out, so sorry if any of the data or features have been acting weird!
- please continue to check Dojo regularly and talk with your student about all the positive (and possibly negative) points they are receiving.
- you can also message me through Dojo for quick feedback!