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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Word Study Changes

Today students were given word sorts that are a little different from what we've done the past couple of weeks. Word study homework will also be set up differently. Because of these changes, students are being given TWO WEEKS to complete the homework activities and prepare for the quiz. Please look over these new materials with your students and let me know if you have any questions!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Upcoming tests

The place value unit has started in math! My math class' test is scheduled for October 9th. This is one of the most challenging units in 3rd grade, so please be checking in with your student nightly to ensure they are understanding concepts taught in class!

The government unit is starting in Social Studies. The test is scheduled for October 7th.

Fall Fundraiser

You can also participate in the fundraiser online! This is great for friends and family that are out of town. Money raised from the fundraiser goes towards things such as a new playground, iPads and Chrome books!

Remember that after your student sells 5 things, they can turn in the slip to get a necklace!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Math internet programs

Pinebrook has access to two very important math programs that can also be used at home. These programs will sometimes be assigned as homework, but your student can use them any time they want! It is important that your student gets on these at least a couple times a week so that they can really have an impact.
This program focuses on math facts. Username: mstea   password: Your student's lunch number
*This can also be used on an iPad!

This program goes over all math concepts and adapts to your student specifically.
Our Pinebrook link: 
Username: Your student's lunch number          Password: Your student's birthday in number form. they use this to log onto computers at school and should know how this works.
Our school's iPad code: kwah/pinebrooke 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Units ending

As math and science units come to an end, here are a few reminders.

- The matter test is Wednesday the 24th. Students will be turning in their science notebooks for a grade. While you are studying notes with your student, please make sure their notebook looks complete and neat. There is a rubric inside the front cover for your reference.
- Be sure your student is taking home study guides every night to study!
- We will be starting word study groups next week. This week there will be a nouns and verbs sort.

I have sent many of you an e-mail about signing up for a conference through sign-up genius. Please don't miss it!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Back to School Night!

I hope to see all parents at Back to School Night this Thursday! It is very important that you come and get information about how our class will work this year and about third grade in general. If you have any questions about any of the computer programs we're using, bring your laptop or tablet so I can help! The schedule is posted below, see you there!

5:45-6:00 Meet in the gym
6:00-6:30 Session 1
6:45-7:15 Session 2
7:15-7:30 Meet in the gym

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Jumping right in!

This week we start getting into some content!

Science: Students will receive a matter study guide. Keep this in their science folder which they will bring home each night to study. Study guides are also posted on my Pinebrook website. The test is scheduled for September 24th.

Math: We will start switching for math on Monday. Your student will bring home a note that night informing you of their math teacher. When you have a question about math assignments, please contact your student's math teacher.
Students in my math class will be receiving a geometry study guide which they will need to study each night. The test is scheduled for September 23rd. 

Reading: Your student will begin checking out books soon. Please encourage your student to stay focused on one book at a time and to always read their books all the way through. This is how they will get credit for the 40 book challenge. Students also need to be reading 20 minutes each night. Students will be learning more about the 40 book challenge this week, but if you have any questions, please e-mail me.

Word Study: For the first couple of weeks, all students will be working with the same words and doing the same homework assignments. Please read over any instructions carefully to ensure your student is completing the work correctly. I do word study from Tuesday to Tuesday. This means your student will get new words on Tuesday, then next Tuesday they will be quizzed on those words and they will also get their next set of words that same day. This way, students have time over the weekend to get caught up on homework activities. I do take a grade on word study homework, so if your student does not complete it, it could greatly hurt their language arts grade.

Please check your student's agenda each night to keep up with assignments and test dates!

Thanks for all your support!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Awesome first day!!

We had an amazing first day in third grade! It was so much fun getting to know everyone!

Dismissal went smoothly- thanks for getting me the necessary information on time! If there are ever any changes to the way your child is getting home, please send a note or e-mail me.

A few announcements:
- Your student is bringing home a big envelope with lots of papers in it. All of these papers need to be filled out and returned to me this week. Please look out for the Clarity sheet, this is how you get access to your students's grades online.
- Please remind your student that it is their responsibility to check their agenda and gold folder every afternoon and give any important information to their parents.
- There was a small error on the supply list, we need more glue sticks than what was listed. If you are able to donate any extra glue sticks at any time, we will take them! Hopefully they will be on sale right now.
- There will be no early dismissals after 2:15 PM. This means you cannot come pick up your child after 2:15.
- If you have any last minute dismissal changes, please notify the office before 2:00 PM.
- If you have not linked your cell phone to Remind yet, please text this number- (571) 748-5355 and write @9d328 in the message. I'll be doing a test tonight!
