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Friday, November 6, 2015

Quarter 1 is over already??

Happy November! This year is flying by! 

Important Dates:
Nov 11th- Report cards go home
Nov 12th- Picture retake day
Nov 16th- 20th- American Education Week
Nov 17th- Third Grade field trip
Nov 20th- 3rd grade American Education Week program, time to be announced. probably afternoon :)

Some Updates:

We are finishing up Earth, Moon, Sun on Tuesday and going into energy after that. We will then do maps and globes for social studies. 

Money has finished up and multiplication comes next! Your student will be learning various strategies to solve multiplication problems along with just memorizing the facts. Students will need to be able to show and explain how multiplication works along with recalling facts. If your student struggles with any facts, please use flash cards or more Reflex Math at home. If your student is not on multiplication on Reflex yet, their math teacher will switch them when they feel it is appropriate.

I enjoyed speaking with all of you during conferences and learning even more about your kiddos! Thank you for all your support at home to make this year a huge success! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Quick Updates

Word Study
New word study sorts were not given out Tuesday due to the teacher workdays next week. However, I have asked students to use their extra time to work on the stories they are writing, Raz Kids, or iReady. Also, I will be giving out a whole class sort involving contractions tomorrow. The quiz on these words will not be until Tuesday Nov 10th, so they will have plenty of time to work on these and not much time should be needed over their days off.

We started a new science unit today- Earth, Sun Moon. The test is Nov 10th for now. More social studies coming in the 2nd quarter!

Please continue to have your student reflect on their Dojo points. One thing to note is sometimes a lack of points can be a sign. The current behavior may not warrant a negative point, but it also does not earn a positive point either. I'm looking for those outstanding moments!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Classroom news!

*First quarter conferences are under way! You should have received a note reminding you of your date and time. Please let me know if you don't remember when your meeting is scheduled. 
*Reflex Math has a parent login option. (it may have been sent home with your student's login information) With this, you can monitor your student's progress. The program tracks their fact fluency. Our goal is to be close to 80-100% fluency of addition and subtraction before we start multiplication and division in a month. Please contact your student's math teacher if you need this information.
*If you have not sent in your students permission form and $11 fee for the field trip, please do so before the end of the week
*Raz Kids: Please monitor that your student is doing their best while working on Raz Kids. This includes working carefully on the comprehension questions and not just guessing. You can login to this program as well and monitor the skills they are struggling with. I believe the program should be moving them up as they complete all the books for a certain level, but please let me know if the program gets stuck on a level

Important dates:
Picture Day: Oct 15th
Fundraiser pickup: Oct 22nd
Matter test: Oct 23rd
Fall Bingo: Oct 23rd
Book Fair: Oct 26-30
End of Quarter 1: Oct 30th
Mismatch sock day: Oct 30th
Field trip to Shenandoah Discovery Museum: Nov 17th

Keep in touch! I've been so grateful for all of the support and positive comments coming from parents. Thanks so much! :)

Monday, September 28, 2015

One to the World!

Third grade will be completing their first One to the World project throughout our Water Cycle unit. The driving question is- How can NLE students conserve water at school? We will be meeting with an expert at Loudoun Water, collecting data around the school, researching, and creating informational videos. I will be sending home a study guide, and there will be a test. Other assessments will be collected from their work in class. So, there may not be as many notes in notebooks, or I may be just sending them home as study material. It's all about the experience and product during this unit! We're super excited to get started!

On that note, I'm looking for a few parents that could come in to help groups collect data around the school on Thursday Oct 1st from 9:00-9:30. Please e-mail me if you are available!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

School updates

The Ellie's Hats drive has started! 
From 9/18-9/30, you can bring in a new hat to donate to kids with cancer. 

Fundraiser packets went home in Thursday folders. 
Start selling to start earning prizes!
All proceeds go to our PTO to help make our school even better!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Sept. 18th Updates

Happy Friday! 

Important Updates:
- Mrs. Tea's math class' place value test has been moved to Wednesday. All classes will be testing by Friday.

- Third grade is scheduled to begin our first One to the World project on the 28th. We have one week until then, so we're going to study famous Americans this week. The study guide will go home Monday, but it is already on my Newton-Lee website. It may seem like a lot in a week, but the students have heard of some of these people before. We will try to test Friday, but we will push it to Monday if needed. 

- Tornado and lock down drill on Thursday the 24th.

- Almost all students have belted up to the yellow dojo belt! Please continue to discuss your student's daily behavior at home. We've been doing a great job, but in some areas we are still working on meeting third grade expectations. 

- We are still receiving new information about Phoenix, but I think we've gotten the information we need to begin entering grades. So my goal is to finally put some grades in this weekend, and I will send graded papers home in Thursday folders. 

Thanks for all your support at home!