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Friday, December 19, 2014

Test Dates

Energy test in science is scheduled for Jan 8th.
My class' division test is scheduled for Jan 16th.

Have a great break! Don't forget to practice your multiplication facts! :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Winter Break Practice

Winter break is almost here!

Your student will be receiving a little bit of optional reading and math practice to complete over the break. Both subjects include a challenge that will hopefully be fun for your student! I highly encourage students to complete both challenges to maintain reading and multiplication/division skills over the 2 week break. Hope you have an amazing, relaxing break full of cookies and family! much love <3

Monday, December 15, 2014

Hour of Code!

Students participated in The Hour of Code today! This initiative gives students a chance to try computer programming, which is also called coding. Students completed a series of challenges using blocks of code to tell the computer what to do. If they are interested in continuing the challenges at home visit They can play with Elsa or the Angry Birds! This is also similar to what students will be doing in the Scratch after school club I am hosting with Mrs. Martinson. I encourage you to sign up! :)

Side note: Follow me on Twitter @educatortea

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Second Quarter Project

Last Friday, your student received the letter describing the second quarter country project. Your student also chose a country. If you did not receive this letter, please check your student's folder asap! If you would like your student's country changed, just let me know what your second and third choices are.

If you misplace the letter or the rubric at any time, you can find it on the 3rd grade website here: 

For the main portion of the project, your student will need to decide if they want to do a power point, poster, or decorate a cereal box. All students must do a brochure and all students must present what they learned. So, this project has 3 parts total.

This project isn't due until January 7th, but you are welcome to complete it any time before winter break and turn it in.

Please e-mail me with any questions!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Hope your staying warm and dry this weekend!

Just a little information about interims. Interims will be sent home Wednesday for students with a C or below in a subject area, drops in grades that are a concern, or for personal work habits that need to be addressed. If you do not receive an interim but are curious about your student's grades, please check the Clarity grade book. We're half way through the quarter and grades are subject to change, but its good to address any questions or concerns as early as possible. Please let me know if you need any additional information!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Few Things

Happy Friday!

Just a few things.

--I am in need of another volunteer to come in on Wednesdays from 10-11 to work on fluency with students. If you are interested, please e-mail me! 8-8:30 could also work on all days except for Wednesday.

--In lieu of the approaching holidays, I am not able to eat chocolate or have caffeine (I know, what else do teachers need?? haha) due to acid reflux. So, I just ask you to please not send those things in because I will have to give them away! I don't need any treats anyways, but just in case you were planning on picking something up. You are all too generous. :) I appreciate it!

--Hope to see you at the pancake breakfast and holiday show Saturday from 8-11!

--The class performance of Dig It is Wednesday the 10th at 1:00pm.

Have a wonderful wet weekend!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Holiday Events at Pinebrook

Contribute to the Tradition Tree!

Give back through operation PAWS!
Beginning today, Pinebrook will be taking donations of new toys, games, books and more to donate to a local children's hospital. This fundraiser started today and will run though December 12th. 

Thanks for all you do! <3