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Friday, November 21, 2014

Book Orders

If you would like to make a book order before the holidays, please put in the order before next weekend (the 29th). I want to make sure they get here on time! If you need me to keep the order secret when sending it home, just let me know!


Hello families!

A new social studies unit it starting. All of geography and maps will be tested on Dec 11th. A small continents and hemispheres quiz will be given on Nov 25th and other quizzes will be given before the test.

Multiplication has started in math! My math class' test is scheduled for Dec 12th. Please work with your student when they are completing math homework as much as possible. Please also make sure Reflex Math is being completed twice a week. Optional homework will be sent home over Thanksgiving and Winter Break. I highly encourage your student to complete it to keep their skills strong over the breaks. 

- study guides are posted on my Pinebrook website in case paper copies get lost!
- pajama day has been moved to Monday because of other school events happening Tuesday. Donations to a local family affected by childhood cancer will be accepted Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure your student knows that the money is to go straight to me, and label it just in case it gets misplaced! 
- if your student has any big sports games or other performances, please let me know when they are! I will attend the ones that I can!
- don't forget to READ READ READ! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Washers for American Education Week

If you have signed up to donate washers, please send them in by Friday if possible. We need to see if we need to purchase any extra. If you have not signed up yet, please donate if you can!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Materials needed for American Education Week!

On November 18th from 9:30-11:00, students will be completing a very fun challenge of designing a foil boat that can hold as much "silver" as possible! But, we need the silver! It's actually just metal washers... but we can dream! If you are able to donate, please go to the sign-up genius and list your name. You are invited to our activity! :) P.S. This sign up is for the whole 3rd grade, not just our class. That's why there are so many slots. Thanks!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Second Quarter!

The Second Quarter Begins!!

Most of you will be receiving this in an e-mail this time :)

Some updates:

- There will be a lockdown drill this Thursday morning. Please speak with your child if this has been a cause of anxiety in the past.
- In science we will be starting the Earth, Moon and Sun Cycles unit. The test is scheduled for Nov 19th.
- In math we will be starting the money unit. My math class' test is scheduled for Nov 20th.
- Third grade is hosting a STEAM activity for American Education Week. Please join us on Nov 18th from 9:30-11:00.
- The third grade performance of "Dig-It" is scheduled for December 10th at 1:00 PM. Hope to see you there!
- Please review your child's report card with them and discuss successes and areas of improvement.
- Students will be taking 1st quarter benchmarks over the next 4 days. The fact that these tests will be given on the computer may affect scores, but it is a good assessment of your child's ability to take a test on a computer and good preparation for the SOLs. 

E-mail me any time with any questions or concerns!