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Friday, November 6, 2015

Quarter 1 is over already??

Happy November! This year is flying by! 

Important Dates:
Nov 11th- Report cards go home
Nov 12th- Picture retake day
Nov 16th- 20th- American Education Week
Nov 17th- Third Grade field trip
Nov 20th- 3rd grade American Education Week program, time to be announced. probably afternoon :)

Some Updates:

We are finishing up Earth, Moon, Sun on Tuesday and going into energy after that. We will then do maps and globes for social studies. 

Money has finished up and multiplication comes next! Your student will be learning various strategies to solve multiplication problems along with just memorizing the facts. Students will need to be able to show and explain how multiplication works along with recalling facts. If your student struggles with any facts, please use flash cards or more Reflex Math at home. If your student is not on multiplication on Reflex yet, their math teacher will switch them when they feel it is appropriate.

I enjoyed speaking with all of you during conferences and learning even more about your kiddos! Thank you for all your support at home to make this year a huge success!