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Monday, January 26, 2015

Book parade

Just a reminder that student's book parade costumes need to include a sign that lists the book title, author, illustrator, and at least one thing they liked about the book. Students should also have a copy of the book with them if possible!

Thanks! Looking forward to seeing these costumes Thursday!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hello fabulous Pinebrook families!

Here are some updates!


The simple machines unit has started and the test is scheduled for Feb 3rd. That grade will be a part of 3rd quarter.

Patterns is a small unit in math. My class' quiz is scheduled for Wednesday the 28th unless circumstances change! This grade will be a part of 2nd quarter.

Because we have lost quite a bit of writing time due to delays and snow days, the fractured fairy tales that students have been working on will be graded loosely. The focus will be on student's ideas and story telling. I will also be asking students to work on their final drafts at home to save time in class and so they are finished by next Friday.

Please continue to monitor your child's reading at home to ensure they are reading 20 minutes a night and finishing library books before returning them.


I will be sending home a slip today informing you of what you wrote on the emergency early dismissal form from the beginning of the year. Because of all the snow lately, I want to be sure we are all clear of where students are to go if there is an early dismissal. If you would like to make a change, just let me know!

Don't forget about the book parade next Thursday!

Please take a look at Clarity over the next week or two in case you have any questions before report cards go home!

Keep being awesome!! Thanks for all you do!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Book Parade!

Pinebrook is holding its very first book parade this year! Flyers went home in gold folders last Friday since Thursday folders did not go home. The book parade is scheduled for January 29th, even though the 3rd grade newsletter said a different date! Sorry about that! The 3rd grade walk will be from 1:30-2:00. Parents are invited! Please send the bottom of the flyer back in to me so I know what character your child is doing!

All students are expected to participate.  Students are encouraged to be as creative as they can be.  If they would like to bring in props that is fine with the exception of weapons (no plastic swords, guns …).  For example: a student has chosen an American Girl fiction book and would like to bring in the American Girl doll which is fine.  Just remind students that they are responsible for the items they bring in.  They take full responsibility if they bring in something valuable, sentimental. 

Can't wait to see all of the awesome costumes!! :)